Annual Reports

Per the APEX Bylaws:


Annual meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday of November each year, or if such day be a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held on the next succeeding business day. If the date of the meeting must be changed, notice will be given as outlined in Section 3.10 of these Bylaws. Said annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of appointing the officers of the Corporation, appointing directors to fill any expired terms of office or fill any additional offices created by the Board of Directors, establishing the membership fee structure for the upcoming year, and the transaction of any other business that may come before the board.

Whereas our monthly EC meetings dive into the ongoing financials and operations of APEX, the annual meeting is meant to be an overview of the prior twelve months.

APEX makes our most recent annual reports available on this page.

  • 2023 Annual Report
  • 2022 Annual Report
  • 2021 Annual Report
  • 2020 Annual Report